Feminist Supervision: A Relational and
Multicultural Approach
by Melissa Fickling
Many supervisors
and supervisees desire authentic, egalitarian supervisory relationships. A
feminist approach to supervision is characterized by a focus on the supervisory
relationship, as well as issues of power, social justice, and multiculturalism.
Feminist supervision is multifaceted and complex because feminist discourse
extends beyond gender to include race, culture, class, sexuality, and other
forms of oppression and privilege. These topics are not always easy or
comfortable to discuss, even for experienced supervisors who openly advocate
for the use of feminist supervision practices.
A review of the
research reveals that there tends to be a discrepancy between supervisors’ and
supervisees’ perceptions of a supervisor’s use of feminist supervision
practices. Supervisors rate their use of feminist supervision as more frequent
than supervisees perceive. One reason for this may be that supervisors are not
explicit about their adherence to feminist values so that supervisees are
unaware of their supervisors’ intentions. The key themes of feminist
supervision, including the supervisory relationship, power, social justice and
activism, and multiculturalism are discussed below and recommended strategies
for integrating each into clinical supervision are provided.
The Supervisory Relationship
A safe and
supportive relationship is a fundamental foundation from which to integrate
feminist supervision practices. Obtaining informed consent with supervisees
about your expectations at the beginning of the relationship is important, just
as it is when establishing a relationship with a new client. Mutual goal
setting also helps to establish a tone of collaboration which can carry through
the duration of the working relationship. Research indicates that when
supervisors practice from a feminist perspective, supervisees report greater
learning outcomes and satisfaction with supervision.
Supervisors report
feeling uncomfortable with power and tend to downplay their power in the
supervisory relationship. It is not surprising, then, that open discussions
about differences in power between supervisors and supervisees are rare. Given
that power analysis is a central tenet of feminist supervision, it is important
that supervisors begin to acknowledge and discuss power with supervisees.
Supervisees report that even when positive uses of supervisor power (e.g., setting
expectations) feel uncomfortable, they usually contribute to their growth. It
is necessary for supervisors to recognize that supervisees, too, bring power
into the relationship and can use it in a variety of ways. Feminist supervisors
work to empower supervisees to take risks and learn to trust their own
Social Justice and Activism
supervisors extend their work beyond the traditional supervisory dyad to
include roles beyond the training environment. For example, feminist
supervisors can educate supervisees about social justice issues, discuss their
own activism and service, or be involved in social and professional movements
in the community. The emphasis here is on direct and active social change work that
addresses issues of oppression and inequality.
supervisors help supervisees integrate sociocultural considerations into their
counseling practice and case conceptualization. This includes, but is not
limited to the topics of race, gender, sexuality, disability, religion, and
class. Feminist supervisors also discuss their own cultural awareness, experiences,
biases, and beliefs and how they impact the supervision. It is critical here
that supervisors are not silent on the issue of oppression and privilege out of
fear of offending or a desire to remain safe from potential conflict. Feminist
supervisors also invite supervisees to reflect on their own cultural identity
and discuss how it relates to counseling and supervision.
The Feminist Supervision Scale
One tool
supervisors may wish to use to facilitate the process of integrating feminist
principles into their supervision practice is the Feminist Supervision Scale
(FSS) created by Dawn Szymanski (2003). The FSS is a 32-item instrument which
can be used to evaluate current feminist supervision practices and to open
discussion of feminist principles with students and supervisees. The FSS
assesses feminist supervision behaviors along four dimensions: collaborative
relationships, power analysis, diversity and social context, and feminist
advocacy and activism.
The supervisory
relationship is complex and dynamic, and requires skill, care, and attention to
navigate in a way that empowers both supervisors and supervisees. In addition,
the supervisory relationship is situated within complex social forces. Ultimately,
it is the supervisor’s responsibility to initiate open and honest conversation
about power, diversity, social issues, and the supervisory relationship. Feminist
supervisors model risk taking, appropriate use of power, sharing of power, and
authenticity in the relationship so that both supervisor and supervisee can
learn and grow in supervision.
Further Reading
C. A. (2009). Relationship and accountability: Tensions in feminist
supervision. Women & Therapy, 33,
L., Ballous, M., Roffman, E., & Ritchie, J. (2009). Supervision for social
change: A feminist ecological perspective. Women
& Therapy, 33, 140-151.
M. S., & Dekkers, T. D. (2010). Attending to power and diversity in
supervision: An exploration of supervisee learning outcomes and satisfaction
with supervision. Journal of Feminist
Family Therapy, 22, 293-312.
L., Mears, G., Vincent, W., & Hawes, S. (2011). The supervisory
relationship when women supervise women: An exploratory study of power,
reflexivity, collaboration, and authenticity. The Clinical Supervisor, 30, 141-171.
M. J. & Wright, D. W. (2005). Supervisees’ perspectives of power use in
supervision. Journal of Marital and
Family Therapy, 31, 283-295.
M. L., Gizara, S., Hope, A. C., Phelps, R., Steward, R., & Weitzman, L. (2006).
A feminist multicultural perspective on supervision. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 34, 105-115.
D. M. (2003). The Feminist Supervision Scale: A rational/theoretical approach. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 27, 221-232.
D. M. (2005). Feminist identity and theories as correlates of feminist
supervision practices. The Counseling
Psychologist, 33, 729-747.
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