Supervision Via Video-counseling
Mark P. Eades, The University of North
Carolina at Greensboro
What was the purpose of this
literature review?
This literature review examines what
articles have been written on using video conferencing in supervision. This review critiques current literature and
identifies areas for further research.
Major findings or points:
Video conferencing has the potential to link counselors in
remote places to skilled supervisors over the internet, allowing supervisees
the ability to reflect on, adjust, and refine their counseling skills in the
hopes of becoming better at their craft.
This is true for many supervisees in a variety of disciplines. Teachers, nurse practitioners, psychiatrists,
and counselors alike who have experienced videoconferencing supervision report
many positive aspects of their experiences.
They enjoy the freedom to schedule supervision at their work site, the
ability to create a strong working alliance with their supervisors, and they
felt that video-supervision promoted autonomous functioning and personal
growth. Most authors who write on video
mediated supervision use these positive findings to forecast video-supervision
as a means of connecting isolated counselors to qualified supervisors, creating
a means of making the supervision process available to counselors across the
country and throughout the world.
Major caveats:
The technological problems associated with using video
cameras have proven to be the biggest hurdle in advancing video
supervision. In every article written on
using video in supervision, participants and authors commented that they didn’t
feel prepared to operate, adjust, or fix current hardware or software. This was by far the biggest frustration
voiced by supervisors and supervisees; when technical problems arose it was
enough to ruin entire supervision sessions.
Supervisees commented that even small technical glitches would lead to
stifled interactions with supervisors, causing supervisees to hold back on
emotional conversations associated with working with clients and instead focus
on only factual information when in supervision. Even lawmakers are weary of counselors’
inability to work with video systems, as 19 states currently have laws in place
forbidding the use of video-supervision, citing inadequate education and
preparation of supervisors as the reason for enforcing such laws.
What does this research mean for
counseling practice, settings, and/or training?
When all of this information is taken together, it would
appear that creating and providing trainings in using video in supervision is
the main roadblock before true advances in the field can be made. When supervisors feel confident that they can
successfully operate video-supervision technology, not only will video
supervision sessions run more smoothly, but state lawmakers will have to
revisit their current stand on the subject.
Future researchers could focus on this area, pulling information from
the video production education literature to create informed educational
trainings for supervisors and testing their effectiveness. Once proper training is established, then
revisiting the idea of testing the effectiveness of video-supervision can more
logically be executed.
supervision, video conferencing, technology in counseling, video counseling
For Further Reading:
S. R., Roberts, R. L., & Powell, B. M.
(2009). Attitudes and
satisfaction with a hybrid model of counseling
supervision. Educational Technology
& Society, 12, 298-306.
Dymond, S. K., Renzaglia, A., Halle, J. W., Chadsey, J., & Bentz,
J. L. (2008). An evaluation of videoconferencing as a supportive technology
for practicum supervision. Teacher Education
and Special Education, 31, 243-256.
Gammon, D., Sorlie, T., Bergvik, S., & Hoifodt, T. S. (1998). Psychotherapy supervision conducted via videoconferencing: A qualitative study of users’
experiences. Nord J Psychiatry, 52, 411-421.
Marrow, C. E., Hollyoake, K., Hamer, D., & Kenrick, C. (2002).
Clinical supervision using video- conferencing technology: A reflective
account, Journal of Nursing Management,
10, 275-282.
McAdams, C. R., & Wyatt, K. L. (2010). The regulation of technology
assisted distance counseling and
supervision in the United States: An analysis of current and extent, trends, and implications. Counselors
Education and Supervision, 49, 179- 192.
Olson, M. M., Russell, C. S., & White, M. B. (2008). Technological implications for clinical supervision and practice. The Clinical Supervisor, 20, 201-215.
Van Horn, S. D. (2001). Computer
technology and the 21st century school counselor. Professional
School Counseling, 5, 124-130.
Wright, J., & Griffiths, F. (2010).
Reflective practice at a distance: Using technology in counseling supervision. Reflective Practice, 11, 693-703.
Its very informative blog.Video conferencing is the opportunity to simultaneously bring together parties in one or more locations. For any Director involved in multi-location briefing, this is an absolute necessity. The cost of organizing an in-person conference for multiple parties in one place, at one time can be exorbitant travelling expenditure. With Video Conferencing, multi-point meetings are facilitated.